Pangasinan Bank Milestones


1976 – The bank was organized as the second thrift bank in Pangasinan with a minimum paid up capital of P500,000.00 as a requirement for a thrift bank that time.

Organizational meeting of the incorporators composed of:

Dr. Gregorio T. de Guzman Jr.  Msgr. Oscar A. Aquino

Atty. Conrado P. Gubatan  Dr. Letecia L. Quinto

Mr. Daniel P. Calimlim  Mr. Alfredo B. Quinto

Mr. Mauro S. Abalos  Dr. Loreto J. Gubatan


August of 1976 – when the first staff of the bank led by Dr.  and Mrs. Gregorio T. de Guzman, Jr. underwent a 15-day training at the Central Bank Training Institute on the workings of savings and loan association.


September 8, 1976 – SEC approved the Amended Articles of Incorporation (AAI) increasing it’s capitalization from P  500K to P 2 Million


October 3, 1976 – Bank opening with the blessing of the edifice officiated by the late  Archbishop Msgr. Federico Limon with the late Mr. Manuel Santos, the CB Director for savings and loan association as the guest of honor.


October 1977 – Bank granted rediscounting privileges and low-interest Special Time Deposit to finance supervised and non-supervised credits.


December 31, 1977 – the Bank’s stockholders gradually increased the paid-up capital of the Bank using their hard-earned savings, from P 500,000.00 to P 2 Million to comply with the minimum capital requirement prescribed by the Central Bank.



October 3, 1978 – the Bank opened a Savings Agency, its first branch unit, in San Fabian.


April 22, 1979 – opening of Malasiqui Branch.


June 17, 1979 – when Binmaley branch was opened.


March 3, 1980 – Alaminos branch opened its doors for business. It’s 4th branch.


1980 – it was adjudged the First runner-up as Best Savings and Loan Association in the country by the Philippine League of Savings and Loan Associations, with the Central Bank acting as the judge of the contests.


June 1980 – Stockholders comply with the P2.0 Million minimum capitalization requirements, and the change in corporate name into “PANGASINAN SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK” took effect.


1981 – the Central Bank required another round of capital build-up with P 5 Million as the target for savings and loan associations outside of Metro Manila.


September 30, 1982 – SEC approved the AAI increasing it’s capitalization from P2 Million to P 5 Million.


1983 – due to the economic crisis, the stockholders were not able to comply immediately with the increase in capital.  To remedy the situation, the stockholders channeled all available dividends from the undivided profits to stock dividends and the members of the Board of Directors infused back all their per diem and honoraria.

–  PSLB was accredited as a participating or originating bank by the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation to grant PAG-IBIG housing loans, the only accredited bank in Pangasinan.  It was given a continuous automatic revolving line of P 1.5 Million.


December 22, 1984 – the NHMFC granted PSLB a P 7.4 Million new credit line, one of the only 38 banks given accreditation.


June 30, 1989 – SEC approved the AAI  increasing its capitalization from P5 Million to P7 Million.


November 6, 1991 – SEC approved the AAI increasing its capitalization from P7 Million to P10 Million.


1992 – Capitalization of the Bank hits P10.0 Million level.


August 5, 1993 – SEC approved the AAI increasing its capitalization from P10 Million to P20 Million.


1996 – Capital reaches P20.0 Million, bolstered by the entry of the S & F Realty Corporation of Mr. & Mrs. Romualdo C. Siapno.


February 14, 1997 – SEC approved the AAI increasing its capitalization from P20 Million to P40 Million.



1999 -The “New-Age” years of the Bank with the computerization of the Bank’s operations particularly the loan and deposit sections.


2000 to 2001 – Set-up of the General Manager/Chief Operations Officer position and the introduction of updated operating methods and internal control systems to promote greater bank efficiency.

– Work for the re-classification of the Bank into the rural bank category commenced. The new classification gives greater privileges such as lower reserve requirement; easier branching requirements; the eligibility to open checking accounts.

August 27, 2001 – the proposed new name, “PANGASINAN BANK, INC.” was approved by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and was duly registered with the Securities and exchange Commission (SEC).


October 3, 2001 – The Bank celebrated it’s Silver Anniversary in a grand fashion, attended to by family, friends and prominent people in the communities where the bank serves.


March 26, 2007 – Bank opened its 1st branch outside Pangasinan located at Rosario, La Union.


May 31, 2007 – SEC approved the AAI increasing its capitalization from P40 Million to P50 Million.


2008 – Pangasinan Bank released its first radio advertisement.


December 31, 2011 – By the end of 2011, the bank reached its P50 Million level in capitalization.


March 2015 – The bank started its motor vehicle or auto loan Product.


July 2017 – Pangasinan Bank unveiled  its 4th Logo  with a modern design.